Monday, July 18, 2011

Farrar Leaks From Mates to Mates

Looks like DPF has been looking after his mates, at the expense of his other mates.

I added a few friends and acquaintances who are interested in politics to a list to get the package stopping asset sales and doing a tax switch to my normal supporters list.


On it inter alia was David Farrar.

But it turned out David was not as trustworthy as Mallard hoped. And poor clumsy Trevor had to take the blame:

My bad. I’m sorry.

Another lesson for mates of Farrar.

*UPDATE: DPF says it was not him. Sorry for doubting you David.

He's my mate (on facebook)

Great news everyone! I am the first of the Farrar Mates team to become 'facebook friends' with David Farrar himself.

Click to embiggen:
David Farrar is my mate, not like Cathy Odgers who didn't accept my friend request for some reason.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Birthday Present Ideas for Mates

If any one was wondering what to get David for his birthday, can I suggest a new T-shirt?

Maybe he would like one of these:

Friday, July 8, 2011

Farrar Importing UK Flatmates, Entertainment, and Un-Funny Conservative Politics After Recent Overseas Jaunt?

Farrar returns home to a new flatmate who's introduced him to the beauty of British television:
One of the benefits if having a new flatmate is you get to see new TV shows. I’ve just watched for the first time the Chawner family, who feature as the laziest and fattest family in the UK, and Lorraine Kelly’s efforts to change their lives.
The episode was enough to drive him from his self-confessed liberal beliefs into a bout of conservatism:
Having now watched one episode, all I can say is I no longer support universal suffrage.
Perhaps Farrar's just having one of his 'classic' jokes with his mates. However, fat people are still people, Farrar. I mean, we all know that fat jokes are funny and all, but perhaps you're forgetting that your jokes aren't.

Perhaps you'd best stick to blogging politics. 

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Mates Across The Spectrum

Ever since Farrar's Mates has been around it seems Whale Oil has taken more of an interest in DPF's mates too. Maybe he is trying to one up us, or maybe it is just a coincidence.

Either way, Slater seems to have proven himself wrong again with this screenshot:

With friends mates from The National Party, United Future, Labour, ACT and The Greens the extent and diversity of DPF's circle of mates appears to be second to none.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Whale Oil Wrong About Farrar's Mates (Again)

It was lovely to see DPF pulling through with his highly anticipated wedding snaps. I always knew never thought I would see Whale Oil proven wrong (twice). We believed you David. We always have.

Great to see David enjoying himself with his mates. And looking smooth. Perhaps Nicola should take note of this outfit. Nice one DPF.

Happily ever after, Farrar's Mates.